Buyer's Guides

Welcome to the home for the Nexus Labs Buyer's Guides. To continue our efforts in accelerating the adoption of smart building technology, we host monthly Buyer's Guides on particular categories of products within the Nexus Marketplace. These guides are built to help buyers feel more confident on how certain product categories can help their organization achieve their desired outcomes. Scroll down below to view all the past Buyer's Guides.

These Buyer's Guides are live events that are open to the public. Within each 1-hour session, we cover the following agenda:

Why It Matters

Why should buyers familiarize themselves with this product category? How is it changing the industry?

Technical Overview

What do buyers need to know about how the technology actually works?

Marketplace Overview

What kind of companies provide this product? How do they typically sell the product?

Top 3 Buying Considerations

What are the most important lessons learned from other buyers who have purchased and deployed this technology?

3-minute Presentations From Expert Marketplace Partners

A rapid-fire introduction to vendors within this category and their approach. We make them keep it non-salesly and succinct.

Lively Q&A

We open it up to the audience to join in on the conversation.

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