Cstomer surveys and ESG education, community programming and events
Opening up direct lines of communication between building owners and building users to work together towards shared sustainability objectives
There is an opportunity to leverage technology so that our real estate products and services meet the ever-evolving needs of a more diverse user base (not just the preferences of decision makers).
I wish owners, operators, and tenants discussed their corporate vision, values, and strategy together more. Instead of starting with lease terms, let's take a step back and talk about the big stuff (talent attraction and retention, financial targets, sustainability commitments) and align on the role real estate can play in achieving key business objectives.
🔥 I love to nerd out about the idea of omnichannel optimization... marrying technology and place to empower people. Technology and place are huge enablers. Technology facilitates transparency and place promotes connection. The question I love trying to answer is: How can we leverage both technology and place to bring out the best in people? 🔥
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